We all experience the effects of aging no matter how well we take care of our skin. The wear and tear of our skin is quite normal and we usually develop wrinkles or folds as a result. Although there are numerous ways to solve this problem, one of the safest and most popular treatments is Restylane Silk. If you desire to:

  • Smooth away the wrinkles, folds, and lines around your mouth.
  • Have healthier, younger-looking lips.

Then Restylane Silk is the best choice for you.

What is Restylane Silk?

Restylane Silk is part of a group of substances known as dermal fillers. Dermal fillers are gel-like substances that can be safely injected, in small quantities, into certain areas of your skin to enhance the overall appearance of your skin. Dermal fillers greatly improve the quality of your skin by enhancing its shape, volume, and fullness of your skin. Also, dermal fillers reduce the appearance of wrinkles, lines, and folds on your skin, giving you the youthful look you have always wanted.

Restylane Silk is a type of dermal filler specifically designed for use in subtle lip augmentation. It is made from a gel that is smoother compared to other Restylane products. As such, it is ideal for restoring your lips more softly and accurately because of its formulation. Restylane Silk contains hyaluronic acid that helps in reducing skin wrinkles and lines. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in your body. Hence, it’s not harmful in any way to your body. This reduces the risk of you getting serious side effects from Restylane Silk injections.

You don’t need to do allergy pretesting for Restylane Silk as it is free from animal protein. Discomfort during Restylane Silk injections will also not be one of your concerns as it contains 0.3% lidocaine. The 0.3% lidocaine has been added to reduce the discomfort associated with Restylane Silk injections.

Those wrinkles, lines, and folds around your mouth can easily go away with Restylane Silk injections. It is a great lip filler to give you moisturized, healthier, and younger-looking lips.

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What Kind of Results Can I Expect with Restylane Silk?

Different Restylane products have different periods before which you can see results. Waiting to see the results of a face injection is usually frustrating especially if you are eager to see the transformation. You will keep looking at the mirror in your house or the sun visor mirror in your car hoping to see noticeable differences.

Restylane Silk injections eliminate the gruesome waiting period as they work pretty quickly. You should expect noticeable improvements around your mouth and lips extremely quickly. As early as immediately after your treatment session, you should see the visible disappearance of the wrinkles, lines, and folds around your mouth.

Although Restylane Silk gives immediate beautiful transformations, how long it lasts is usually dependent on a lot of factors. What is your age? What is your health status? These are some of the factors that affect how long the results from Restylane Silk injections last. We can help you determine what kind of maintenance schedule is best based on your needs and body chemistry.

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What are Restylane Silk Treatments Like?

A Restylane Silk treatment session can fit perfectly into anyone’s schedule. The session usually consumes less than an hour. Certain sessions take less than 15 minutes as all that we do is mark the areas of your lips that need the injection and use fine needles to gently apply the Restylane Silk injections. 

You can expect minor side effects such as swelling, headache, and light bruising for up to 2 weeks. However, after that, you’ll be feeling as good as new enjoying your new healthier, and youthful-looking lips.

Why Choose Restylane Silk?

We’ve discussed the numerous benefits of Restylane Silk but here is an accurate summary:

  • It is FDA-approved hence it is safe for your lips.
  • It uses hyaluronic acid to smooth wrinkles, a naturally occurring chemical that already appears in your body.
  • It gives your lips the smooth, healthy, and fuller look that you desire.
  • Its sessions are quick and offer no downtime.
  • It offers extremely quick results relieving you of the frustration of waiting.
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Let Restylane Silk Restore a Youthful Look to Your Lips!

If you want fuller, smoother, and healthier-looking lips, then Restylane Silk is the right choice! We would love to have a chat with you about your aesthetic goals and determine whether Restylane Silk will work for you. 

Call (954) 393-0254 or reach out online to request your consultation with Dr. Lisa Learn in Fort Lauderdale today!

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