What is Restylane Refyne?

Restylane Refyne is an injectable treatment that targets your nasolabial folds and marionette lines to help you achieve a more natural and wrinkle-free look. This specifically formulated filler contains an ingredient called hyaluronic acid. It’s a naturally occurring substance in your skin that promotes hydration and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles but, over time, your hyaluronic acid levels decrease. Restylane Refyne significantly boosts those levels and, in turn, can prevent more fine lines from forming.

Galderma’s proprietary XpresHAn Technology™ gel features a unique cross-linking property that addresses your skin’s lost volume and decreased collagen levels. Restylane Refyne is a flexible and soft dermal filler designed to make you look as youthful as you did before your skin began gradually losing its firmness. It’s a safe and quick treatment that’s part of Galderma’s extensive line of injectables.

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What is Restylane Refyne Used for?

Restylane Refyne is used to target the more dynamic areas of your face, such as your nasolabial folds and the marionette lines while allowing you to maintain your natural beauty. It’s a great treatment option for those who consistently notice all the fine lines and loose skin around the lower half of their face, and are bothered by it.

What Kind of Results Can I Expect with Restylane Refyne?

Like other injectables offered within the Restylane line, Restylane Refyne treatments can offer confidence-boosting results. According to Restylane’s official website, 97% of people who received Restylane Refyne injections were happy with their results—so much so that they would repeat the treatment! The results are so promising that many patients notice visible results shortly after leaving the procedure room, and the results can last up to one year. You can repeat the treatment as many times as necessary until you achieve the results you desire.

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What are Restylane Refyne Treatments Like?

Your treatment will be administered in a welcoming environment and clean facility. Upon entering the procedure room, Dr. Lisa Learn will apply a topical anesthetic to numb the injection area. She will then insert a small needle into the facial tissue and work in concert with her team to complete the other injections. Gently massaging the area will help Dr. Learn ensure that the proprietary gel has been evenly distributed underneath your skin. Most patients report little to no discomfort before, during, and after the procedure.

On average, most treatments last approximately 15 minutes. You will be free to go about your day after you leave our office. Please be advised that it’s common to experience swelling and/or redness upon receiving Restylane Refyne.

Should any issues arise post-treatment, please do not hesitate to call our office. Look in the mirror as often as you want post-treatment; you’re bound to see results quickly, and that’s a great feeling!

Your Own Vision of Beauty, Restored.

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Why Choose Restylane Refyne?

As we age, our skin transforms in a way that can make us look old, sad, and tired. The Restylane line of injectables, including Restylane Refyne, can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It can redefine how your face looks as the years pass by, and, as a result, make you feel youthful, beautiful, and refreshed.

Do not forget that Restylane Refyne uses hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in your own body. This makes this filler injection so much safer than other options out in the world.

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Want to Know if Restylane Refyne is Right for You?

Do you feel frustrated and/or embarrassed by the lines that have developed on your face? Are you interested in learning more about Restylane Refyne? If so, contact our office to schedule your consultation where Dr. Learn would be happy to discuss Restylane Refyne with you in greater detail. She’s well-versed in Restylane treatments and can answer your questions, address your concerns, and supply you with all the information you need.

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