Say Goodbye to Double Chin

Kybella is the only FDA-approved injectable that can significantly reduce fat that has accumulated beneath your chin.

This excess fat is called submental fullness but is often referred to as a “double chin.” A double chin can not only make you look older but also make you feel insecure. Kybella injections provide a safe and effective solution for reducing the appearance of fat in this area.

A prescription medication, Kybella, can only be administered by a specialist who has been trained to deliver the injectable in a clinical setting, like Dr. Learn and her team. Once the medication is injected into the chin, it will begin destroying fat cells. These cells will be unable to store fat again; this makes Kybella injections a fantastic investment for patients who want to achieve a more contoured appearance around their chin and jawline.

This double chin treatment is appealing to older adults as well as young people who have a genetic predisposition toward developing a double chin.

Those in the latter group may have found that a healthy diet and regular exercise have not prevented a double chin from forming, making Kybella injections an ideal treatment method for them.

What is Kybella Used for?

Kybella is used to destroy excess fat below the chin. A double chin can develop over time, or it can be a cosmetic issue that you have been dealing with since your youth. No matter the severity level, this double chin treatment can improve your appearance (including your profile) and restore your confidence.

In an article titled “Personal (Self) Perceptions of Submental Fat Among Adults in the United States” published by the peer-reviewed journal Dermatologic Surgery, researchers conducted online surveys asking adults about their submental fullness.

The authors concluded, “Excess SMF can have a substantial negative effect on a person’s feelings of attractiveness and behaviors. Reduction of SMF may not only improve one’s appearance but also may enhance one’s self-esteem.”

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What Kind of Results Can I Expect?

Kybella injections work well to treat moderate to severe excess fat. The main ingredient in this medication is called deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that breaks down and absorbs fat. Injecting this powerful ingredient into the affected area means that after a few treatment sessions, you can expect to see a noticeable reduction in the appearance of submental fullness.

What is the Treatment Like?

How many Kybella injections you receive depends on the look you want to achieve as well as the amount of excess fat that will need to be addressed.

During your treatment session, Dr. Learn and her team will make you feel as comfortable as possible. You will be asked to sit back and remain still while Dr. Learn makes numerous small injections in that area below your chin. The number of injections made will correspond to how much excess fat you have.

The average duration of a Kybella injection session is approximately 20 minutes. Most patients undergo multiple treatment sessions (three to six in total). Treatment sessions are spaced approximately four weeks apart. This gives your body an adequate amount of time to respond to the injection. Each patient’s experience varies, but a majority of patients notice significant improvement after only a few sessions. The most common side effects of Kybella injections include swelling, bruising, or numbness under your chin.

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Why Choose Kybella?

Kybella injections are safe and effective. This non-surgical treatment is suitable for patients over the age of 18.

Patients appreciate how Kybella injections destroy fat for good. Once those fat cells below the chin are destroyed, they can no longer store or accumulate fat. This means that once you have reached the aesthetic outcome that you desired, further treatment will not be necessary. You can enjoy the long-term results of this prescription medication!

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Want to Know if Kybella is Right for You?

If you are frustrated with the fat beneath your chin and would like to inquire if you are a candidate for Kybella injections, please call Dr. Learn’s office at (954) 393-0254 or request a consultation on our website. Dr. Learn is passionate about helping her patients achieve the aesthetic outcomes they desire.

She is well-versed in this double chin treatment as well as other injectables, and she will be happy to discuss these treatment options in greater detail with you during your consultation. Dr. Learn looks forward to meeting you, answering your questions, and supporting you in your journey toward aesthetic wellness!

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