Excellence in Patient Care

After all, what’s the first thing people see when they look at you? Your face—wrinkles, fine lines, and all. If you want to look as youthful and energetic as possible, your face is almost always going to be your top priority. If you want to eliminate those wrinkles and fine lines and improve your facial features, injection therapy is an easy, convenient, and minimally invasive solution that can provide months of great-looking results with almost no downtime!

woman cupping her face in her hands

How do Anti-Aging Injections Work?

This anti-aging therapy works by injecting a neuromodulator, botulinum toxin, into selected regions of the face using a thin needle.

The neuromodulator temporarily blocks the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that controls small muscle movements. This causes creases to soften and wrinkles and fine lines to smooth themselves out, giving your face a more youthful appearance!

Results are typically noticeable after just 2-3 days, with full results reached after about one week. Please contact us if it’s been 7 days and you still haven’t noticed any improvement.

What are the Risks?

There’s a harmful stereotype that anti-aging injections using neuromodulators will leave your face looking plastic and fake or leave your face too stiff to show expression. But that just couldn’t be further from the truth!

When administered by a trained professional like Dr. Lisa Learn, botulinum toxin injections are incredibly safe, and major complications are extremely rare. Botulinum toxin injections as a category, are the most widely performed cosmetic procedures in the world and have been used successfully and safely for more than 30 years.

Minor side effects such as light bruising or temporary numbness are not uncommon but tend to be minimal and subside very quickly.

These injections should not be taken if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, and if you are taking blood thinners, you may need to pause use for a few days prior to your procedure. There are a few other medical contraindications as well, including botulism and certain conditions affecting the throat, breathing, voice, or lungs. Please check with us or your primary care physician to determine whether you are a good candidate.

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What are the Main Benefits?

Anti-aging injections can be used to deal with a number of specific problem areas you’d like to address, including:

  • Preventing and smoothing established wrinkles
  • Removing crow’s feet around the corners of the eyes
  • Enhancing facial features
  • Softening wrinkles and lines without creating an overdone blank or “mask-like” look
  • Improving brow positioning

Moreover, injection therapy using the neuromodulator provides lasting results with minimal downtime, making it a highly convenient and minimally invasive alternative to facelift surgery. Results tend to last 3-6 months on average, although the more injections you’ve had, the longer each injection tends to last. While you may require 3-4 injections your first year, most people only need about two per year afterward. There are some secondary benefits to the therapy as well. In fact, anti-aging neuromodulator injections have been cleared to treat conditions such as chronic migraines, excessive sweating, involuntary muscle contractions, and eye twitching!

Get Smoother Skin and a Fresher Look Today!

Dr. Lisa Learn is an experienced, skilled plastic surgeon who specializes in a variety of cosmetic, aesthetic, and surgical treatments to keep you looking and feeling your absolute best! From laser skin rejuvenation to anti-aging injections to modified and full facelift procedures, you have many choices when it comes to improving facial appearance. We’re not here to push any one particular procedure but to help guide you to making a choice that’s right for you. To request your consultation, give us a call at (954) 393-0254 or complete our appointment request form.

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