Unlocking Facial Harmony

Chin augmentation and cheek augmentation are transformative cosmetic procedures that often work well in concert together to enhance your facial features by adding definition to these areas. These procedures can create a more balanced facial appearance as well as restore more youthful contours and natural beauty. Whether you desire a stronger jawline, more pronounced cheekbones or fuller cheeks, Dr. Lisa J. Learn and her team makes skilled use of these procedures to improve overall facial symmetry.

Experience and Care Help You Achieve That Desired Aesthetic Balance

When you hear a song in perfect harmony, it’s pleasing to the ear—much like nature’s harmony of a warm breeze, birds singing, and waves lapping on the shore. All it takes is for one thing to be out of place to throw it all off—hitting the wrong note or a loud blast of a fog horn, for instance. An imbalance in facial features can cause the same displeasure. If you have a “weak” or receding chin or sunken cheeks, it can make your whole face seem out of harmony with your nose and other features.

Dr. Lisa J. Learn is one of only a few Board-Certified female Plastic Surgeons in the Fort Lauderdale area. She has over 20 years of experience listening to patients and helping them obtain the beautiful results they are looking for. She and her close-knit team are dedicated to helping people restore their self-confidence and well-being through patience, thoughtfulness and expertise. We understand what a personal process of plastic surgery is and we ensure you feel comfortable through the entire process. We care for our patients like family.

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What Are Chin and Cheek Augmentation and What Can They Do For Me?

Chin and cheek augmentation are cosmetic procedures aimed at enhancing the appearance and balance of the chin and cheek areas, which can help other parts of your face work more beautifully together. Each procedure is tailored to the patient's individual wishes and features.

Chin Augmentation

This involves the use of implants or filler injections to improve the projection and contour of the chin. It can help create a stronger jawline, improve facial symmetry, and enhance overall facial harmony.

Cheek Augmentation

This procedure enhances the volume and definition of the cheekbones using implants or dermal fillers. It can add youthful fullness to the cheeks, restore lost volume due to aging, and create a more sculpted facial profile.

Your Own Vision of Beauty, Restored.

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What To Expect In This Effective Augmentation Process

  • Consultation: Your journey begins with a personalized consultation with Dr. Learn to discuss your goals and assess your unique facial anatomy.
  • Treatment Plan: Our skilled plastic surgeon will create a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs, whether it's chin or cheek augmentation or a combination of the two procedures.
  • Preparation: On the day of your procedure, you'll receive local anesthesia or sedation to ensure your comfort.
  • Implant or Filler Placement: For chin augmentation, either a specially designed implant is carefully inserted through a small incision or fillers are used. Additionally, this procedure can be done by moving and reshaping bones in the chin area. Cheek augmentation can be achieved with dermal fillers or implants, strategically placed to enhance volume and definition.
  • Finishing Touches: The doctor meticulously adjusts and positions the implants or filler to achieve the desired look.
  • Recovery: You'll receive post-operative care instructions and may experience some swelling or bruising, but our team will support you every step of the way.
  • Enjoy Your New Look: As you heal and the swelling subsides, you'll start to see the beautiful, natural-looking results.
woman cupping her face in her hands

Bouncing Back From Your Procedure

After your chin & cheek augmentation in Fort Lauderdale with our team, you can expect to feel some discomfort and tenderness. This can last for a few months, but can easily be minimized with medication. You may also experience some initial swelling, as well as a tight or stretched sensation, which usually subsides within a week.  Chewing may be difficult for a few days, so a liquid or soft diet would be best right after the surgery. You will likely have bandages at first as well, to keep the area protected, but there is very little downtime. You can actually resume light activity right away and return to work and your normal activities in as little as seven to ten days.

Schedule A Consultation With Us To See If This Technique Can Fulfill Your Beauty Wishes

We understand how important self-confidence is and we love being able to combine surgical expertise with aesthetics to help patients bring about the look they want to achieve. We will help determine which surgical procedure is right for you and answer any questions you have. To make an appointment, just call (954) 393-0254 or visit our office in Fort Lauderdale, FL today. We’ll help you achieve natural-looking, balanced results for that harmonious and beautiful enhancement you want.

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